Psychology Masters thesis collection. Browse By. By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors. Search within this Collection: Go This collection contains a selection of recent Masters theses from the Psychology department. Please note that only the Title and Abstract will be available for dissertations from the Psychology Theses and Dissertations. Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Black people’s perceptions of racial inequalities, systemic oppression, and Black liberatory advancement in the United States: A critical phenomenological study, Lisa N. Dazzell. PDF Top 20 Master’s Thesis Ideas for psychology Students
Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection | Psychology | University of Massachusetts Boston
This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible.
The full content of campus access theses is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Excess Stress and Natural Mentors in the Lives of Sexual Minority YouthCherrelle Gipson. Addressing the White Problem Critically: An Exploratory Latent Profile Analysis of Racial AttitudesRyan Parigoris.
Sex Differences in Symbolic Play of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASDLooknoo Patcharapon Thammathorn. Developmental Profiles of 57, Children in Early Intervention: A Confirmatory Latent Profile AnalysisMary E. Parent-Teacher Relationship Quality as a Predictor of Changes in Externalizing Behaviors at School for Children with ASDLana Andoni.
Unique Syndemic-Related Clusters master thesis on psychology a Sample of Sexual Minority MenChristopher Chiu. Bilingual Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Language Abilities and Social CommunicationIngrid Hastedt. Examining the Interrelations Among Trajectories of Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Valued Actions in Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety DisorderStephanie Marando-Blanck. The Association Between Anger in Response to Racism and Depression Among Black Americans: Exploring Potential Moderating Effects of Active Coping and Collective Self-EsteemDarrick Scott.
Appraisals of Trust Development within the Therapist-Client Relationship: Impacts on Client Retention in a Hypothetical First Session of TherapyLorraine U. Parent Negative and Positive Impacts: Reciprocal Associations Between Child Behaviors and Parenting Experiences in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderAlison E. A Master thesis on psychology Burden: Associations Between Sexual Minority Status, Mental Health, master thesis on psychology, and BMI in WomenAlison E.
Working Memory and Mindfulness in an RCT of ABBT and ARAnna M. Racial Microaggression Distress and Depression among Black Americans: Examining the Roles of Racial Identity Importance, master thesis on psychology, Social Support, and GenderShannon M.
Healing from Heterosexism Through Expressive WritingKathleen M. Reciprocal Associations between Language Ability and Social Functioning Development over a Two-Year Period in Young Pre-Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderDevon R.
Effects of Racism-Related Stress on Resistance against Racism in Black AmericansNoor N. Identifying Child Correlates of Parent-Reported Executive Functioning Impairments in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Examination of both Early and Concurrent Child CharacteristicsDeanna Toner.
Attentional and Emotional Consequences of Emotional Acceptance and Suppression in an Elevated Anxiety SampleNatalie Arbid. The Interpersonal Effects of Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in Romantic RelationshipsBryan Balvaneda.
The Role of Athletic Coach Mentors in Promoting Youth Academic Success: Evidence from a National Longitudinal StudyKirsten M. Ethnic Differences in Race-Related Stress Among Blacks in the US: Racial Colorblindness as a Potential ModeratorSamantha Duterville. Social Skills as a Predictor of Peer Relationship Quality for School-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disordermaster thesis on psychology, Melanie S.
Examining Attentional Control and Processing Speed Deficits as Underlying Mechanisms of Neuropsychological Impairment in SchizophreniaMayte Forte. Drinking Motives, Drinking Problems, and Mental Health Symptoms in Sexual Minority MenHamish A. Psychosocial Profiles of Youth who Acquire a Natural Mentor During a School YearMatthew A, master thesis on psychology. Whether or not 'It Gets Better'…Coping with Parental Heterosexist RejectionCara Herbitter.
Language Subdomains among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Social SkillsSarah A. Relations between Family Demographic Characteristics and Early Intervention Service Receipt after Children's Initial ASD DiagnosisThanh Phuong Thi Nguyen.
The Importance of Action: Understanding Characteristics of Social Action Campaigns and Their Impact on Youth's Motivation and EngagementJacqueline G. Patterns of Parent-Teacher Disagreement on Behavior Problems of Young Children with Master thesis on psychology Spectrum DisorderJuliana Neuspiel.
The Trajectory of the Co-Occurrence of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Treatments for Generalized Anxiety DisorderAmber L. Developing Autism Screening Criteria for the Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment BITSEAIvy Giserman Kiss, master thesis on psychology. Being and Becoming an Ally: The Lived Experience of Social Justice Action from Privileged Spacesmaster thesis on psychology, Alissa L.
Social Cost Bias, Probability Bias, and Self-Efficacy to Achieve a Specific Goal or Outcome as Mechanisms of Behavioral Action in Social AnxietyCarol S. Coping With Racism: Emotional Acceptance and Systemic Attribution of Racism as Buffers against Social Anxiety among People of ColorJennifer H. A Model of Social Functioning in Schizophrenia: Symptomatology, Personality, master thesis on psychology, and Brain Region VolumesVictoria Choate, master thesis on psychology.
Reductions in Experiential Avoidance as a Mediator of Change in Symptom Outcome and Quality of Life in Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy and Applied Relaxation for Generalized Anxiety DisorderElizabeth Hemenway Eustis. Promoting Maternal Well-Being and Child Behavioral Health: The Role of Positive BeliefsSara Kaplan-Levy.
Validation of the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory: Relationships between Perceived Post-Traumatic Growth and Measured Pre- to Post-Disaster Changes in Analogous Constructs in a Sample of Low-Income Mothers who Survived Hurricane KatrinaEmily E. Reciprocal Influences amongst Early Childhood Externalizing Behavior, master thesis on psychology, Maternal Distress, master thesis on psychology, and Parenting Style: A Longitudinal AnalysisShirley Marie Immacula Poyau.
Psychopathy and Disadvantageous, Risky Decision-Making in a Sample of Ex-OffendersAshley-Ann C. The Relation between Cultural Values and Unprotected Sex among Latino Gay MenFrancisco I. Cognitive Processes and Moderators of Willingness in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and Non-Anxious Controls in Response to a Social Performance TaskLauren P.
Predictors of Change in Body Mass Index in Young Mothers after Hurricane KatrinaElyssa Briann Weber. Mentor Motivation as a Predictor of Relationship ApproachMax B. Adults Who "Get": Adolescents' Perceptions of Relational Engagement with Key AdultsLaura A.
Latino Youth Experiences of Immigrant Policy, Enforcement, and Exclusion: Exploring Risk and ResilienceDarcy Alcantara. A Person-Oriented Approach to Identifying Parenting Styles in Mothers of Early School Age ChildrenAmy E.
The Effects of Racism Related Stress on Asian Americans; Anxiety and Depression among Different Generational StatusesCharles M.
Predictors of Psychotropic Medication Use in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum DisordersMelissa P. The Effects of Nesting Environment on Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic InjuryLaura Grace Rollins.
Pathways to Well-Being in the Lives master thesis on psychology Recently Returning VeteransSarah Krill Williston. Implications of Self-Other Overlap in Unsuccessful Romantic RelationshipsJosephine A.
Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events, Emotional Adjustment, and Social Competence in Preschoolers Facing Economic RiskHillary Hurst. Adolescent Males in Formal Youth Mentoring Programs: The Influence of Same Versus Cross-Gender MatchingStella S. Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Responsiveness to Infant Distress: Contingency Analyses of Home Mother-Infant Interactions at 3 Monthsmaster thesis on psychology, Fernanda Lucchese.
Parental Well-Being within the Marital Subsytem: A Study of Mother-Father Dyads Raising Young Children with AutismFrances de Lourdes Martinez-Pedraza. The Relation of Racism-Related Stress to Racial Identity, Ethnic Identity and Racism-Related Empowerment in Asian AmericansFanny Ng. Young Children's Perspectives on Parent-Child Relationship Quality as Measured by master thesis on psychology Berkeley Puppet Interview: Associations with Behavioral AdjustmentMarisa Murphy O'Boyle.
The Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Pre- and Master thesis on psychology Training with a Brain Plasticity-Based Computerized Training ProgramShannon M, master thesis on psychology. Examining the Relation between Sensory Sensitivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders as Moderated by Language AcquisitionTimothy W.
Children and Spirituality: Understanding the Meaning of Spirituality of Former Street Children in BoliviaKatia Margarita Canenguez. A Lonely Road: Loneliness, Death Anxiety, Childhood Punishment, and Attributions of Hostility in a University PopulationMelody Joy Blass Fisher.
The Effects of Trauma Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in ToddlersDanielle Forbes. The Impact of Exposure to Family and Community Violence on Children's Adaptive Coping and Mental Health Symptoms among Ethnic Minority Families Living in PovertyEsroruleh Tamim Mohammad. The Practice Effect: The Relationships among the Frequency of Early Formal Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness Skills, Worry, and Quality of Life in an Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety DisorderLucas Paul Kawika Morgan.
Dyadic Flexibility during master thesis on psychology Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm: Analysis of Infant-Caregiver Interactions within a Dynamic Systems Framework Using the State Space Grid Analytic TechniqueAkhila Venkatachalam Sravish.
Black Women's Mental Health in Response to Unwanted Sexual Experiences and Spirituality as a Protective FactorSpeshal T. Latino Immigrant Mothers' Experiences and Adapations to Promote Personal and Family Wellness in Response to Increased Anti-Immigrant ClimateHercilia B. The Relationship between Racist Experiences and Anxiety in a Black Sample: Moderating Effects of Church-Based Social SupportJessica Rose Graham. Caregiver, Family System, and Environmental Predictors of Child Maltreatment: An Ecological Transactional ApproachKelly Brooke Graling.
Trajectories of Early Externalizing Behaviors: Their Relation to Second Grade ReadingSarah Gray. What Do You See in this Picture? Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement. Master thesis on psychology Copyright.
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Top 20 Master’s Thesis Ideas for psychology Students The 15 Best Psychology Thesis Topic Ideas. Dissertation topic is something of grave importance in a student’s life. It judges the credible knowledge of the student on his/her area of expertise Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection. This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible
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