Saturday, November 27, 2021

Legalize marijuana research paper

Legalize marijuana research paper

legalize marijuana research paper

This paper summarizes schools of thought on both sides of the issue, ultimately expressing support for the legalization of marijuana. Introduction Since ancient times, marijuana has been used to achieve a state of euphoria, having been described in a Chinese medical reference dating from approximately B.C. (History of Marijuana, )Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper. Words4 Pages. Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of recreational marijuana is an important debate, one that could really cause drastic changes in societies. Marijuana has entered a dark stage in the pathway of legalization, and it is correlating with the prohibition stage that alcohol rested in In this paper, I will demonstrate some of the benefits and costs associated with the legalization of marijuana. This paper helps clarify some of the disagreements surrounded the issue today by focusing on the costs and benefits encountered by the consumer, alongside with, the producer and government if marijuana were to be legalized

Research Paper On Marijuana: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal | WOW Essays

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Research Paper, legalize marijuana research paper. Topic: LawGovernmentUnited StatesBusinessPoliticsMarijuanaDrugsCriminal Justice. Marijuana refers to the common name for a crude substance that is derived from Cannabis sativa, a plant.

The drug contains various psychoactive ingredients in it, legalize marijuana research paper, with THC deltatetrahydrocannabinol being the highest in concentration Mitch,p. The debate as to whether marijuana should be legalized in the United States has been one of the most controversial issues to ever occur in the country. There are numerous reasons that would make the legalization of the drug very beneficial.

Some of the reasons include; medicinal attributes of marijuana, possible tax booster, and huge cost cutting on the amounts of money invested in trying to curb its use. It would also lead to possible reductions in the numbers of teens exposing themselves to drugs. It is widely known that marijuana has numerous medicinal values.

Recent research has shown that marijuana has unique properties that help in most of the diseases being experienced today. The American Legalize marijuana research paper Association indicated recently that marijuana use is not as dangerous as has been reflected in the past Bello,p.

It has been argued that the use of marijuana is actually less dangerous compared to other drugs that are commonly used and legal such as cigarettes and even most of over-the-counter prescriptions or medicines. Medical advancement and knowledge is very vital and determines the general state of the health of individuals; a factor which directly affects positively or negatively their consequent productivity in the economy.

The medicinal values of marijuana have not only been researched and proved, but also tested and positively worked over the years. The most basic and widely known medicinal use of marijuana is that it is used as a fast and effective pain killer.

The fact that it plays a crucial role here cannot be refuted. The drug has therapeutic attributes. The therapeutic values of marijuana are derived from the numerous chemicals that are found in the leaves, resin, legalize marijuana research paper, and buds of the cannabis plant. The plant was used by past generations.

Its use has been traced to China in as early as the B. There is other numerous evidence of its therapeutic use throughout the world cultures. Untilmarijuana was used in colonial America and was also listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia as tincture of cannabis. The findings of William B, legalize marijuana research paper.

Marijuana is also used to reduce or relieve nausea experienced by cancer patients who are undergoing powerful chemotherapy. Marijuana is also used by patients who have AIDS and multiple sclerosis.

It helps the respective patients to not only get better, but also elongating their lives. The drug has also proved to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma. This is because its use lowers pressure on the eye. The medical uses of marijuana are not just limited to the stated ones above, legalize marijuana research paper.

They are numerous and relevantly applicable in the medical realm today. The state has the obligation of taking into account the health of all the citizens. Legalizing marijuana could help researchers to enhance their studies into other medical uses of the drug, legalize marijuana research paper.

Therefore, it is obvious that legalize marijuana research paper legalization of the drug has numerous benefits in the medical realm. The government should therefore legalize the drug if the interests of the citizens are of high priority.

The legalization of marijuana by the government can lead to long term positive economic implementation. It is widely known that the amounts of generated from the illegal trade of marijuana are mind boggling. Legalizing marijuana could help the government impose tax from earnings in the trade. The amounts of money from this industry will help most individuals to endorse its farming.

Consequently, this would lead to numerous job creations. This factor is vital for the general economic performance. Further, it impacts legalize marijuana research paper and positively to the farmers involved. Legalization of marijuana will create a large multi-billion dollar industry. William Hearst, the American business man who owns large acres of forested land is against the legalization of marijuana. This is because he fully comprehends the big potential of the drug to the economy.

Legalizing legalize marijuana research paper will not only out do his paper industry earnings to a large extend but also relatively lower the values of his lands. The campaign that is carried out by the likes of William Hearst can be easily explained.

Their acts are not related to any moral or health implications of marijuana. Simply, the investors are trying not to lose their money and resources with the legalization of the drug. They realize its potential to driving them out of business within no time, legalize marijuana research paper. There are huge amounts of money that are used in the prevention of the sell of marijuana. Combined with the huge tax loss that the government is experiencing, it is evident that legalization is on the best interest of the government.

For instance, the British government spends up to million pounds a year on their quest to fight drugs. This also means that the respective government does not get any tax from 1. An entire industry can be created out of marijuana based products. Evidently, the government is on the losing end by not legalizing the drug. The arrests from marijuana related cases just help in making justice expensive and less efficient in the United States.

In addition, it is evident that jail space is wasted, legalize marijuana research paper, clogging up of the justice system is effected, diversion of corrections officials from other violent crimes and even wasting of police time.

Furthermore, the taxation of marijuana, as a result of its legalization can provide the highly needed and generous funding of numerous criminal justice and social programs. The government should not only legalize the use of marijuana but also regulate the market. A legal but regulated market of marijuana will help to lower its sales and also reduce its exposure to young people. It is evident that the illegality of marijuana is making the drug more valuable than it would if it was legal.

This aspect contributes to availing chances to young people and other individuals to earn easy cash from its sell. If large amounts of money connected with marijuana sales are cut down through legalization of the drug, there is going to be lesser incentives for teenagers to engage in its sales. Taking the example of alcohol and tobacco to relate to this situation brings out the relevance clearer. The consumption of alcohol and tobacco by teenagers remains a critical health problem though the substances are not illegal to adults.

The fact that tobacco and alcohol are easily accessed is not made even more widespread by providing the teenagers with lucrative economic need to engage in its sales. Legalizing marijuana will help in reducing this problem to a large extent. Arrests that have resulted from the use of marijuana negatively affect the perception of numerous individuals around the world today, legalize marijuana research paper.

It is evident that arrests for marijuana possession are disproportionately affecting Hispanics and blacks in the United States. The action is helping to reinforce the perception that the law enforcement in the United States is legalize marijuana research paper and biased against minorities. Further, the statistics indicate that Mostly, this is as a result of smoking the drug in public view. It is evident that law enforcement has failed to demonstrate that the laws governing the use legalize marijuana research paper marijuana can be enforced fairly without regard to race.

Far too often blacks and Hispanics are arrested fro marijuana use and possession. White and non Hispanics Americans on the other hand face a much lower risk of arrest in connection to marijuana use or possession. The scenario created here is that there is wide racial prejudice over the use of the drug. Legalizing the drug would help to a large extent in reducing or changing wholly this public perception. Prohibition of marijuana has been based on disinformation and lies that have been developed over the years.

Those legalize marijuana research paper marijuana legalization base their justification on selectively applying science oriented findings on the herb. This has led to the loss of credibility of legalize marijuana research paper that are marijuana users; for example, teachers and even police officers who use the herb end up losing their credibility when people around them know they use the herb.

All these happen because the real effects of marijuana have been overstated and also distorted by those opposing its legalization. These lies have been carried down over successive generations. However scientific experiments conducted recently have proven that most of the existent information about marijuana is false. The discovery of the system of the cannabinoid receptor has helped clarify some of the information put forward about legalize marijuana research paper Gerber,p.

It legalize marijuana research paper interesting to note that most of the past information on marijuana has not been proven by new age scientific methods. One thing that both sides of the argument seem to agree on is that marijuana should not be used by children. However, the use of the herb by adults has been proven to have no effects on the user.

The legalization of marijuana will help in simplifying the development of hemp as a diverse and valuable agricultural crop in the United States. This also includes its consequent development as a new bio fuel that will help in a large way in reducing toxic carbon emissions that are adversely affecting the ozone layer.

Some countries, such as Canada and other European countries have managed to support legal cultivation of hemp without legalizing the use of marijuana Yu,p. However, legalize marijuana research paper, in the United States, opposition to positive actions of legalizing marijuana remains the biggest obstacle to development of the industrial hemp as a very useful agricultural product, legalize marijuana research paper. As the United States energy policy keeps embracing and promoting the development of bio fuels as viable alternatives to the dependence on oil and an effective mode of reducing carbon emissions, it is vital that there is development of industrial hemp as a bio fuel source.

Furthermore, the use of hemp stalks as alternative sources of fuel will not increase demand and prices for food. Legalization of marijuana will greatly help in simplifying the regulatory burden on prospective hemp growing in the United States.

This is a vital factor that the government and legislators should take into consideration by legalizing marijuana. It is evident that prohibition has failed to curb the use and domestic production of marijuana in the past years.

The government has even tried to use stiff criminal penalties to prevent marijuana use for over 70 years.

Should Marijuana Be Legalized? - Pros and Cons of Legalizing Medical and Recreational Marijuana

, time: 6:12

Research Paper on Legalizing Marijuana |

legalize marijuana research paper

This paper summarizes schools of thought on both sides of the issue, ultimately expressing support for the legalization of marijuana. Introduction Since ancient times, marijuana has been used to achieve a state of euphoria, having been described in a Chinese medical reference dating from approximately B.C. (History of Marijuana, )Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Religious Involvement and Marijuana Use for Medical and Recreational Purposes. In this paper, we use data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) to examine the association between religious involvement and marijuana use for medical and recreational purposes in U.S. adults (n = May 08,  · Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Legalization. Rosalie Liccardo Pacula 1,2 and Rosanna Smart 1. Rosalie Liccardo Pacula. 1 RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California ;, 2 National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts Find articles by Rosalie Liccardo by:

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