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No parts of this website maybe copied or reproduced without permission. A consumer profile is a way of describing a consumer categorically such as their behaviour, location, habits and so on which is important in targeting specific markets and for advertisement purposes, gcse textiles coursework customer profile.
The techniques now used to gather such information are very sophisticated and demonstrate the importance of the knowledge- driven economy. Consumers can be identified by many different preference, lifestyle, life stage, attribute, and trait categories. Thinking about consumers in terms of the way they are represented by categorical tiers can be useful:. Demographics gcse textiles coursework customer profile how you would describe your customer in terms of age, where they live, gender, race, household size, income, occupation, education and country of birth.
For example, the demographics of a customer who buys VW golf GTI may be male, age 45 years, white collar occupation, household income greater than 30, with children and targeting middle class, as well as the wealthier working class.
Its high price makes the new Golf also target the upper middle class. The consumer will typically live in a three to four bedroom detached house. This shows it is aimed as a family car not at the boy racer so to speak. Compare this to the consumer profile of someone who buys the Ford Focus ST a very similar car. There are websites including government websites that are good sources of information to find out more gcse textiles coursework customer profile the demographics of the customers.
Psychographics is how you would describe your customers in terms of:. A help sheet is shown below for the pages you are going to complete. This shows one of the possible ways how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. It can be downloaded and printed via the printer icon.
Also look at past examples for inspiration. An example of how to layout the consumer profile sheet is shown below. Remember you can use your own headings relevant to your own project. This shows one of the possible ways of how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. How you lay this page out is again up to you, there are several ways.
Remember space is limited in your folder so try and complete this on one page! Visual Gcse textiles coursework customer profile Collect images related to your consumer.
type of place the consumer would live. Investigating the Design Context 8 Marks, gcse textiles coursework customer profile. The information that you have gcse textiles coursework customer profile should give you clear understanding of the general nature and characteristics of your typical intended consumer, gcse textiles coursework customer profile. Use that character to outline the characteristics of the user and their needs in relation to your design problem.
Produce a number of headings that you can use to describe the persona. Write a description of the persona under each heading as if that persona had written it themselves:. Use the list below to help you build up your persona. Hover over the page below.
Use the space to the side of your visual profile or below it to write up your persona. You can also add an image of your potential client from the Internet. My name is Annie and I am 23 years old. I have just got out of university. I live in England.
I enjoy travelling, mostly in India though. I love all the sites there but my favourite place to visit is the Banyan Tree Retreat Hotel in Hyderabad. My ideal day would start with me sitting under a banyan tree while the sun comes up and end with me watching the sun go down, gcse textiles coursework customer profile.
I love spicy foods like curry, chilli and peppers. I love trying foods that I haven't had before, I hate crowded places, so usually avoid main cities when I travel. I love most water sports, my favourite is water skiing! Mark off where you would place yourself on the scale. I prefer products that look really good. I prefer form over function and this really appeals to me when choosing a product.
I prefer products that have lots of different functions. I prefer function over form and this really appeals to me when choosing a product. I prefer a product that can change style and has more than one function. Use the space to the side of your visual profile or below it to write up your polls apart. Try and find out key information about the ACCESS FM points that will help you meet your consumers needs and wants.
Below are some past examples of some past theme pages. Click on the pictures below:. Copy the two pictorial words shown below, brush and shuttle. Start by drawing a light, accurate outline, then fit the letters in. Once you have the letters in place rub out the outline. Do a few practices and then do a full size drawing to fill an A4 sheet. When you have finished these have a go at the following words. SHARK, BRIDGE, PHONE. Now you have completed your consumer profile have a go out coming up with some design ideas that you think would appeal to your potential consumer.
If you have space draw them on the consumer profile page. Watch the video above regarding a deign that was technologically advance for its time. What do you think went wrong in terms of its consumer and marketing? Who was the car aimed at? What problems could you see with this mode of transport?
Home KS4 A2 Opts Gall Dates KS3 Copyright © M. All Rights Reserved No parts of this website maybe copied or reproduced without permission. Consumer Profile. Successful marketing starts by knowing who your customers are and what they need and desire. In other words understanding how they think, gcse textiles coursework customer profile, feel and behave.
Categories for describing consumers. Demographics Demographics is how you would describe your customer in terms of age, where they live, gender, race, household size, income, occupation, education and country of birth. Psychographics Psychographics is how you would describe your customers in terms of: Interests — the key social interests your customers engage gcse textiles coursework customer profile e.
Golf General personality — the personality characteristics of your customers e. Visual Profile: Collect images related to your consumer Set up a table and collect images that help to profile your consumer. This is an effective method of collecting useful information quickly. Customise your Table: Try to set up your own headings that are suitable for your consumers characteristics and your task. Other examples could include: Favourite subjects in school.
Favourite type of holiday. Type of music they listen to. GCSE Assessment Criteria:. General Characteristics Age Gender Personality Occupation what job they have, how much they earn What appeals to them Geographical Location where they live e.
in the city, countryside, anywhere Cost Limitation General Likes and Dislikes Preferred Brands and Products Hobbies and interests. Consumer Profile Persona: Use the space to the side of your visual profile or below it to write up your persona. This is a very effective way of asking potential consumers about their values and believes.
It allows the consumer to voice how strongly they feel about something. On one end you have a statement and on the other you have an opposite statement. People are asked to mark off where on the line they place themselves and are asked to comment why they have placed themselves there. Try and develop a question for each of the points of ACCESS FM. Consumer Profile Polls Apart Use the space to the side of your visual profile or below it to write up your polls apart.
Consumer Profile Examples. Starter Activity:. Lesson Objectives:. To produce a list of characteristics that a potential consumer has. To list the key features they would want in a potential product. You will learn about your potential client, likes, dislikes, gcse textiles coursework customer profile, spare disposable income etc.
You gcse textiles coursework customer profile Identify what features make a product innovative to your target market. Lesson Outcomes:. Extension Task:, gcse textiles coursework customer profile.
Types of Brands the Consumer would Buy.
My Fashion Design Process - Lesson 3: CUSTOMER PROFILE \u0026 MARKET
, time: 12:14Consumer Profile GCSE
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