Hellenistic Judaism was a form of Judaism in classical antiquity that combined Jewish religious tradition with elements of Greek blogger.com the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the early Muslim conquests of the eastern Mediterranean, the main centers of Hellenistic Judaism were Alexandria in Egypt and Antioch in Syria (now in southern Turkey), the two main Greek urban settlements of the References used: Gregory J. Riley, "One Jesus, many Christs," Harper SanFrancisco, (), Page blogger.com reviews or order this book safely from blogger.com online book store; Messianic Judaism, a new religious movement, is sometimes referred to as Jewish blogger.com theological beliefs match those of modern-day Evangelical Christianity, and bear little resemblance to the Jewish Classification essays differ from common essays because they require more research. But you only need to understand and follow the following process. Get the right ideas: Before starting to write your classification paper, it is important to comprehensively research
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Hellenistic Judaism was a form of Judaism in classical antiquity that combined Jewish religious tradition with essays on judaism of Greek culture. Until the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the early Muslim conquests of the eastern Mediterraneanthe main centers of Hellenistic Judaism were Alexandria in Egypt and Antioch in Syria now in southern Turkeythe two main Greek urban settlements of the Middle East and North Africa region, both founded at the end of the fourth century BCE in the wake of the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Hellenistic Judaism also existed in Jerusalem during the Second Temple Periodwhere there was conflict between Hellenizers and traditionalists. The major literary product of the contact of Second Temple Judaism and Hellenistic culture is the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible from Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic to Koine Greekspecifically, Jewish Koine Greek.
Mentionable are also the philosophic and ethical treatises of Philo and the essays on judaism works of the other Hellenistic Jewish authors.
The decline of Hellenistic Judaism started in the second century and its causes are still not fully understood. It may be that it was essays on judaism marginalized by, partially absorbed into or became progressively the Essays on judaism core of Early Christianity centered on Antioch and its traditions, such as the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church of Essays on judaism. The conquests of Alexander in the late fourth century BCE spread Greek culture and colonization —a process of cultural change called Hellenization —over non-Greek lands, including the Levant.
This gave rise to the Hellenistic periodessays on judaism, which sought to create a common or universal culture in the Alexandrian empire based on that of fifth-century Athensalong with a fusion of Near Eastern cultures. New cities were established composed of colonists who came from different parts of the Greek world, and not from a specific metropolis "mother city" as before. These Jews living in countries west of the Levant formed the Hellenistic diaspora.
The Egyptian diaspora is the most well-known of these. This was a diaspora of choice, not of imposition. Information is less robust regarding diasporas in other territories.
It suggests that the situation was by and large the same as it was in Egypt. Jewish life in both Judea and the diaspora was influenced by the culture and language of Hellenism. The Greeks viewed Jewish culture favorably, while Hellenism gained adherents among the Jews. While Hellenism has sometimes been presented under the influence of 2 Maccabeesitself notably a work in Koine Greek as a threat of assimilation diametrically opposed to Jewish tradition.
Adaptation to Hellenic culture did not require compromise of Jewish precepts or conscience. When a Greek gymnasium was introduced into Jerusalem, it was installed by a Jewish High Priest, essays on judaism.
And other priests soon engaged in wrestling matches in the palaestra. They plainly did not reckon such activities as undermining their priestly duties. The main religious issue dividing Hellenized Jews from traditional Jews was the application of biblical laws in a Hellenistic or Roman or other non-Jewish empire.
Under the suzerainty of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and later the Seleucid EmpireJudea witnessed a period of peace and protection of its institutions. Relations deteriorated under Antiochus's successor Seleucus IV Philopatoressays on judaism, and then, for reasons not fully understood, his successor Antiochus IV Epiphanes drastically overturned the previous policy of respect and protection, banning key Jewish religious rites and traditions in Judea although not among the diaspora and sparking a traditionalist revolt against Greek rule.
The Hasmonean Dynasty eventually disintegrated due to civil warwhich coincided with civil wars in Rome. The Hasmonean civil war began when the High Priest Hyrcanus II a supporter of the Pharisees was overthrown by his younger brother, Aristobulus II a supporter of the Sadducees.
A third faction, consisting primarily of Idumeans from Mareshaled by Antipater and his son Herodre-installed Hyrcanus, who, essays on judaism, according to Josephus, was merely Antipater's puppet.
In 47 BCE, Antigonusa nephew of Hyrcanus II and son of Aristobulus II, asked Julius Caesar for permission to overthrow Antipater. Caesar ignored him, and in 42 BCE Antigonus, with the aid of the Parthiansdefeated Herod.
Antigonus ruled for only three years, until Herod, with the aid of Rome, overthrew him and had him executed. Antigonus was the last Hasmonean ruler. The major literary product of the contact of Judaism and Hellenistic culture is the Septuagintessays on judaism, as well as the Book of WisdomSirachapocrypha and pseudepigraphic apocalyptic literature such as the Assumption of Mosesthe Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchsthe Book of Baruchthe Greek Apocalypse of Baruchetc.
dating to the period. Important sources are Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. Some scholars [10] consider Paul the Apostle to essays on judaism a Hellenist as well, even though essays on judaism himself claimed to be a Pharisee Acts Philo of Alexandria was an important apologist of Judaism, presenting it as a tradition of venerable antiquity that, far from being a barbarian cult of an oriental nomadic tribe, essays on judaism, with its doctrine of monotheism had anticipated tenets of Hellenistic philosophy.
Philo could draw on Jewish tradition to use customs which Greeks thought as primitive or exotic as the basis for metaphors : such as " circumcision of the heart" in the pursuit of virtue. Beyond TarsusAlexandrettaAntioch and Northwestern Syria the main "Cilician and Asiatic" centers of Hellenistic Judaism in the Levantthe second half of the Second Temple period witnessed an acceleration of Hellenization in Israel itself, with Jewish high priests and aristocrats alike adopting Greek names:.
The Hellenic influence pervaded everything, and even in the very strongholds of Judaism it modified the organization of the state, the laws, and public affairs, art, science, and industry, affecting even the ordinary things of life and the common associations of the people […] The inscription forbidding strangers to advance beyond a certain point in the Temple was in Greek; and was probably made necessary by the presence of numerous Jews from Greek-speaking countries at the time of the festivals comp.
the "murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews," Acts vi, essays on judaism. The coffers in the Temple which contained the shekel contributions were marked with Greek letters Sheḳ. It is therefore no wonder that there were synagogues of the LibertinesCyreniansAlexandrians, Ciliciansand Asiatics in the Holy City itself Acts essays on judaism. Ethnic, cultural, essays on judaism, philosophical, and social tensions within the Hellenistic Jewish world were partly overcome by the emergence of a new, typically Antiochianessays on judaism, Middle-Eastern Greek doctrine doxaeither by [ citation needed ].
Some scholars believe that, at the time, these Cypriot and Cyrenian North African Jewish migrants, essays on judaism, such as Simon of Cyrenewere generally less affluent than the native Cilician-Syrian Jews and practiced a more 'liberal' form of Judaism, more propitious for the formation of a new canon:.
And when the persecution arose about Stephen [a Hellenized Syrian-Cilician Jew], some of these Jews of Cyrene who had been converted at Jerusalem, were scattered abroad and came with others to Antioch and [initially] preached the word "unto the Jews only" Acts20 the King James Versionand one of them, Lucius, became a prophet in the early church there [the nascent Greek 'Orthodox' community of Antioch].
The reasons for the decline of Hellenistic Judaism are obscure. It may be that it was marginalized by, absorbed into, or became Early Christianity see the Gospel of the Hebrews. The Pauline epistles and the Acts of the Apostles report that, after his initial focus on the conversion of Hellenized Jews across Anatolia, Macedonia, Thrace and Northern Syria without criticizing their laws and traditions, [14] [15] Paul the Apostle eventually preferred to evangelize communities of Greek and Macedonian proselytes essays on judaism Godfearersor Greek circles sympathetic to Judaism : the Apostolic Decree allowing converts to forego circumcision made Christianity a more attractive option for interested pagans than Rabbinic Judaismwhich required ritual circumcision for converts see Brit milah.
See also Circumcision controversy in early Christianity [16] [17] and the Abrogation of Old Covenant laws. The attractiveness of Christianity may, however, have suffered a setback with its being explicitly outlawed in the 80s CE by Domitian as a "Jewish superstition", while Judaism retained its privileges as long as members paid the fiscus Judaicus.
The opening verse of Acts 6 points to the problematic cultural divisions between Hellenized Jews and Aramaic-speaking Israelites in Jerusalem, essays on judaism, a disunion that reverberated within the emerging Christian community itself:. it speaks of "Hellenists" and "Hebrews.
The Hebrews were Jewish Christians who spoke almost exclusively Aramaic, and the Hellenists were also Jewish Christians whose mother tongue was Greek. They were Greek-speaking Jews of the Diaspora, who returned to settle in Jerusalem. To identify them, Luke uses the term Hellenistai.
When he had in mind Greeks, essays on judaism, gentilesnon-Jews who spoke Greek and lived according to the Greek fashion, then he used the word Hellenes Acts As the very context of Acts 6 makes clear, the Hellenistai are not Hellenes.
As Christian Judaism originated at Jerusalem, so Gentile Christianity started at Antiochthen the leading center of the Hellenistic East, with Peter and Paul as its apostles. From Antioch it spread to the various essays on judaism and provinces of Syria, among the Hellenistic Syrians as well as among the Hellenistic Jews who, as a result of the great rebellions against the Romans in A.
Both Early Christianity and Early Rabbinical Judaism were far less 'orthodox' and less theologically homogeneous than they are today; and both were significantly influenced by Essays on judaism religion and borrowed allegories and concepts from Classical Hellenistic philosophy and the works of Greek-speaking Jewish authors of the end of the Second Temple period before the two schools of thought eventually affirmed their respective 'norms' and doctrines, notably by diverging increasingly on key issues such as the status of 'purity laws', the validity of Judeo-Christian messianic beliefs, and, more importantly, the use of Koiné Greek and Latin as liturgical essays on judaism replacing Biblical Hebrewetc.
The word synagogue itself comes from Jewish Koiné Greeka language spoken by Hellenized Jews across Southeastern Europe Macedonia, Thrace, essays on judaism, Northern GreeceNorth Africa and the Middle East after the 3rd century BCE. Many synagogues were built by the Hellenistai or adherents of Hellenistic Judaism in the Greek IslesCiliciaNorthwestern and Eastern Syria and Northern Israel as early as the first century BCE- notably in DelosAntiochAlexandrettaGalilee and Dura-Europos : because of the mosaics and frescos representing heroic figures and Biblical characters viewed as potentially conductive of "image worship" by later generations of Jewish scholars and rabbismany of these early synagogues were at first mistaken for Greek temples or Antiochian Greek Orthodox churches.
Many of the Jewish sages who compiled the Mishnah and earliest versions of the Talmud were Hellenized Jews, essays on judaism, including Johanan ben Zakaithe first Jewish sage attributed the title of rabbi and Rabbi Meirthe son of proselyte Anatolian Greek converts to Early Rabbinical Judaism. Even Israeli rabbis of Babylonian Jewish descent such as Hillel the Elder whose parents were Aramaic-speaking Jewish migrants from Babylonia hence the nickname "Ha-Bavli"had to essays on judaism Greek language and Greek philosophy in order to be conversant with sophisticated rabbinical language — essays on judaism of the theological innovations introduced by Hillel had Greek names, essays on judaism, most famously the Talmudic notion essays on judaism Prozbulfrom Koine Greek προσβολή, "to deliver":.
Unlike literary Hebrew, popular Aramaic or Hebrew constantly adopted new Greek loanwords, as is shown by the language of the Mishnaic and Talmudic literature. While it reflects the situation at a later period, its origins go back well before the Christian era. The collection of the loanwords in the Mishna to be found in Schürer shows the areas in which Hellenistic influence first became visible- military matters, state administration and legislature, trade and commerce, clothing and household utensils, and not least in building.
The so-called copper scroll with its utopian list of treasures also contains a series of Greek loanwords. When towards the end of the first century BCE, Hillel in practice repealed the regulation of the remission of debts in the sabbath year Deut. The city was the cradle of the church". Some typically Grecian "Ancient Synagogal " priestly rites and hymns have survived partially to the present, notably in the distinct church services of the followers of the Melkite Greek Catholic church and its sister-church the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch in the Hatay Province of Southern TurkeySyriaLebanonessays on judaism, Northern Israeland in the Greek-Levantine Christian diasporas of BrazilMexicothe United States and Canada.
But many of the surviving liturgical traditions of these communities rooted in Hellenistic Judaism and, more generally, Second Temple Greco-Jewish Septuagint culture, were expunged progressively in the late medieval and modern eras by both Phanariot European-Greek Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and Vatican Roman Catholic gentile theologians who sought to 'bring back' Levantine Greek Orthodox and Greek-Catholic communities into the European Christian fold: some ancient Judeo-Greek traditions were thus deliberately abolished or reduced in the process.
Members of these communities still call themselves " Rûm " literally "Roman"; usually referred to as "Byzantine" in English and referring to Greeks in TurkishPersian and Levantine Arabic. In that context, the term Rûm is preferred over Yāvāni or Ionani literally " Ionian "also referring to Greeks in Ancient HebrewSanskrit and Classical Arabic. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Form of Judaism. God in Judaism names Principles of faith Mitzvot Halakha Shabbat Holidays Prayer Tzedakah Land of Israel Brit Bar and Bat Mitzvah Marriage Bereavement Philosophy Ethics Kabbalah Customs Synagogue Rabbi, essays on judaism.
Tanakh Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim Talmud Mishnah Gemara Rabbinic Midrash Tosefta Targum Beit Yosef Mishneh Torah Tur Shulchan Aruch Zohar. Ashkenazim Mizrahim Sephardim Teimanim Beta Israel Gruzinim Juhurim Bukharim Italkim Romanyotim Cochinim Bene Israel Berber Related groups Bnei Anusim Lemba Crimean Karaites Krymchaks Kaifeng Jews Igbo Jews Samaritans Crypto-Jews Mosaic Arabs Subbotniks Noahides. Orthodox Modern Haredi Hasidic Reform Conservative Karaite Reconstructionist Renewal Haymanot Humanistic.
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Hebrew Biblical Yiddish Yeshivish Jewish Koine Greek Yevanic Juhuri Shassi Essays on judaism Ladino Ghardaïa Sign Bukharian Knaanic Zarphatic Italkian Gruzinic Judeo-Aramaic Judeo-Arabic Judeo-Berber Judeo-Malayalam. Timeline Name "Judea" Leaders Twelve Tribes of Israel Ancient history Kingdom of Judah Temple in Jerusalem Babylonian captivity Assyrian captivity Yehud Medinata Second Essays on judaism Jerusalem in Judaism timeline Hasmonean dynasty Sanhedrin Schisms Pharisees Hellenistic Judaism Jewish—Roman wars History of the Jews in the Byzantine Empire Christianity and Judaism Hinduism and Judaism Islamic—Jewish relations Middle Ages Golden Age Sabbateans Hasidism Haskalah Emancipation Antisemitism Anti-Judaism Persecution The Holocaust Israel Land of Israel Aliyah Jewish atheism Baal teshuva Arab—Israeli conflict.
Jewish political movements Anarchism Autonomism Bundism Feminism Leftism Secularism Territorialism World Agudath Israel Politics of Israel Anarchism Liberalism Secularism Zionism General Green Labor Kahanism Maximalism Neo-Zionism Essays on judaism Revisionist Post-Zionism.
Main article: Hellenization. See also: Maresha § Decline and fall. See also: Jewish Christian and History of the Jews in the Byzantine Empire.
This article needs additional citations essays on judaism verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Hellenistic Judaism" — news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR May Learn how and when to remove this template message. Jüdisch-hellenistische Literatur vor Philon von Essays on judaism unter Ausschluss der HistorikerANRW II: In Davies, W, essays on judaism.
The Cambridge history of Judaism. Essays on judaism 2: The Hellenistic Age 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN Archived from the original on
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Judaism is a religious tradition with origins dating back nearly four thousand years, rooted in the ancient near eastern region of Canaan (which is now Israel and Palestinian territories) Classification essays differ from common essays because they require more research. But you only need to understand and follow the following process. Get the right ideas: Before starting to write your classification paper, it is important to comprehensively research Judaism is the oldest religion of the three and Islam is the youngest. The religions are interconnected. For example, Christianity stemmed from Judaism and its key figure Jesus Christ as well as His mother Virgin Mary and the Apostles belonged to Judaism. The three religions believe in Abraham and all the people being his children
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