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This report is aimed at critically analysing the macro, meso and micro business environment of Tesco, one of the largest food and grocery retailers in the world, operating around 4, stores. Tesco — Company Overview Tesco is among the largest food retailers in the world with revenue in excess of £54 billion in and employing overpeople. They operate approximately 4, stores in 14 countries around the world.
The company operates primarily in the USA, Europe and Asia and their Head Office is based in Hertfordshire, dissertation on crm in retail, UK. According to Datamonitorthe commercial network portfolio of Tesco comprises: over Express stores which sell approximately 7, products including fresh foods at suitable localities; Metro stores which sell a variety of food products in town and city centres; and superstores which sell both food and non-food items including books and DVDs.
Tesco also provides online retailing services through their website tesco. com and Tesco Direct. In addition, they provide broadband Internet connections and financial services through Tesco Personal Finance TPF. Tesco was founded in and launched its first store in Edgware, London, UK in Tesco, ; however, over the decades it has evolved to become the market leader within the UK food retail segment Datamonitor, In an agreement was signed by Tesco to set up a premeditated series of joint ventures for the development of shopping malls in China.
This joint venture included three malls: Anshan, Fushan and Qinhuangdao. Furthermore, 18 new hypermarkets are expected to open in China by Tesco, Promotion of free trading blocs by governments to benefit from globalisation has been presented in the literature Lynch, Immersion of 10 further countries into the European Union EU took place in promoting trade between Western and Eastern European countries BBC, This has provided Tesco with a platform to expand dissertation on crm in retail retail network across the EU.
Economic factors are a matter of concern for Tesco since they impact directly on the buying behaviour of customers. As a result of this, the spending power of consumers is again on a steady rise as they are more confident about their current financial situation.
However, there is still a lot of financial uncertainty meaning that consumers are likely to spend less on premium products, encompassing organics and ready prepared meals, which will adversely affect both sales value and margins Keynote, However, the positive aspect of recession is that the customers eat out less and eat more at home which provides opportunities for grocery retailers like Tesco to increase their output Guardian, It must be noted that food is the last thing that customers will cut back on.
The percentage of overall consumer spending on food has risen considerably over the years, as shown below Euromonitor, :. The economic downturn has been brought to light with the assistance of the following GDP growth graph since Mintel, :. An analysis of the UK population shows that there are more retired people than children representing the Baby Boom generation Herald Scotland, The ageing population is discouraging for the food retailers older people tend to eat less.
They are less likely to travel to supermarkets to shop compared with the younger generation. Although internet literacy level drops over the age of 65 years within the population Turban et al.
However, dissertation on crm in retail, small deliveries are considered to be ineffective and expensive. An increase in the demand for organic food has been accommodated by Tesco to reflect this change in demand.
Payment by cheques and cash at the checkout was first made possible by Tesco, dissertation on crm in retail. One of the key macro-environmental variables that have directly influenced the supply chain, operations and processes of grocery and food retailers is technology. The operation of supermarkets is being affected by the use of the Internet through online grocery retailing, which is showing steady growth.
Loyalty programs are being introduced through information technology which discourage customers from switching over to their competitors Sun, Mobile technology has also taken off as a platform for distribution within food retailing. Online retail shopping has gained considerable popularity due to the increased access to broadband internet in the UK. It has been highlighted by Keynote that the number of broadband users in the country is Environmentally friendly, reduced packaging is being promoted by the Government.
Due to the consumer awareness of the carbon footprint of the firm Wood,Tesco has added carbon footprint data on dairy products, potatoes and orange juice, and aims at expanding it to bread and non-food items in Tesco, Tesco has introduced its Greener Living Scheme to give consumers advice on environmental issues, including how to reduce food waste and their carbon footprint when preparing meals Yuthas, This will affect the non-food sectors of Tesco, such as clothing.
Drawing upon the Low Pay Commission Report National Minimum Wage,the and combined up-ratings have resulted in an increase in the minimum wage of This will result in an increase of operating costs of supermarkets. The threat of substitutes in the grocery retail market is considerably low for food items and medium to high for non-food items.
In the food retail market, the substitutes of major food retailers are small chains of convenience stores, off licences and organic shops which are not seen as a threat to supermarkets like Tesco that offer high quality products at considerably lower prices Financial Times, Moreover, Tesco is further getting hold of these shops by opening Express dissertation on crm in retail in local towns and city centres creating a hurdle for these substitutes to enter the market.
However, the threat of substitutes for non-food items, for instance clothing, is fairly high. It should be noted that so long as the economic recession prevails, customers will be inclined towards discounted prices hence Tesco is a threat to the speciality shops.
It requires huge capital investments in order to be competitive and to establish a brand name. Gaining planning authorisation from local government takes a considerable amount of time and resources to establish new supermarkets and this is therefore a considerable barrier to new entrants. It should therefore be highlighted that Asda is one of the key competitors in this segment with an increase of market share from In rural areas where the nearest superstore can be some distance away, some primary consumers are attracted by retailers like Somerfield and Co-op.
Hard discounters like Aldi and Lidl have taken over the market in times of recession. In cases where products have a slight differentiation and are more standardised, the switching cost is very low and the buyers can easily switch from one brand to another. It has been proposed that customers are attracted towards the low prices, and with the availability of online retail shopping, the prices of products are easily compared and thus selected.
It should be noted that the suppliers are inclined towards major food and grocery retailers and dread losing their business contracts with large supermarkets.
Detailed SWOT Analysis A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats SWOT analysis of Tesco has been provided below.
Drawing upon DatamonitorTesco is ranked third largest grocery retail company in the world, operating over 4, stores primarily within the USA, Europe and Asia. The company held A strong financial performance has been shown by the company over the years, which underlines its strategic capabilities. According to DatamonitorTesco is a £ 54billion turnover company recording an increase of The foremost strategy that has been adopted by the company is the product and services customization in accordance with the market demands.
The efficiency in performance of the company over the last decade can be summarised with the help of growth in following key indicators Fame, :. Drawing upon DunnHumbythe company uses data collected from this loyalty scheme in its powerful CRM systems named Crucible and Zodiac, and this information is then used for effective direct marketing and various other promotional techniques. Tesco has not been able to perform well over the last year as compared to its competitors. According to Mintela number of products were recalled by Tesco in that has resulted in a financial loss as well as damage to its brand image.
This lack of geographic diversification can be seen as a key weakness for the firm as it is subjected to systemic risks of the UK market. Dissertation on crm in retail commercial network portfolio of Tesco is on the rise. They opened over stores in of which were international Mintel, This geographic diversification will help the company in improvising its economy of scale, while minimising its systemic risk exposure.
The popularity of Tesco. com is growing rapidly, accounting for over 1 million customers in Guardian,which has provided an opportunity to the company to attract new customers and reduce the overall cost resulting in more profit. Company focus is on global expansion as is evident by its entry into the Indian market.
This entry will strengthen its global market position, dissertation on crm in retail. A limited franchise agreement has been signed by Tesco with Trent, retailer of Tata group, which is one of the largest industrial corporations of India Daily Mail, It has been predicted that there will be a rise from £ billion in to £ billion in in the food retail market segment Euromonitor, This is mainly due to the fact that even during times of recession, food retail is the toughest segment dissertation on crm in retail having enough to eat is the priority, dissertation on crm in retail.
There has been fierce competition in the UK grocery market. Tesco though has been leading this sector for 15 years Mintel,dissertation on crm in retail, but is now faced with intense competition from its competitors which are gaining in market share.
In light of the above key points, the abridged SWOT analysis of Tesco can be summarised in the following illustration:. Value Chain Analysis According to Lynchvalue chain is defined as the links between key value adding activities and their interface with the support activities.
Value chain has been implied as a strategic evaluation tool used for distinguishing the strengths dissertation on crm in retail weaknesses in value adding processes Audrestsch, The value chain of Tesco has been demonstrated in the following diagram:. Inbound Logistics The overall cost leadership strategic management of Tesco is exhibited in its lean and agile inbound logistics function.
Drawing upon Abeysinghethe company uses its leading market position and economies of scope dissertation on crm in retail key bargaining powers to achieve low costs from its suppliers.
According to Tescothe company has invested over £76 million in streamlining its operations through their Tesco Digital program, which is a third generation ERP solution for the company.
The company has achieved £ million in increased profitability during alone due to the introduction of this system, dissertation on crm in retail. This company -wide ERP system has also facilitated the minimisation of stock holdings within the company. Outbound Logistics Tesco holds leadership position in online and offline food retail segments, dissertation on crm in retail, which is due to its efficient and dissertation on crm in retail outbound logistics.
Drawing upon Mintelthe company has developed a range of store formats and types, which are strategically placed to achieve maximum customer exposure. These formats include Express, Metro, Superstores, Extra and Homeplus, which are segmented according to the target population. Marketing and Sales Loyalty programs like Tesco Clubcard are being introduced through information technology advances which dissuade the customers from switching over to their competitors.
Tesco has introduced its Greener Living Scheme to give consumers advice on environmental issues, including how to reduce food waste and their carbon footprint when preparing meals. Services Tesco has been pursuing a dual strategy of cost leadership and differentiation, dissertation on crm in retail, which has led to an increased importance placed on customer service.
Drawing upon Keynotethis dual strategy is exhibited through the development of self-service kiosks, financial services, focused direct marketing and promotions. The relative analysis of the value created by the big four supermarket chains, i.
Conclusion In light of the above analysis, it can be concluded that Tesco continues to hold its leadership position within the highly turbulent retail segment, where companies are required to pursue both cost leadership and differentiation strategies.
Tesco has been able to dissertation on crm in retail both with the help of a lean and agile supply chain management, along dissertation on crm in retail the strategic use of information technology. The core competencies of Tesco have been seen to be aligned with the business environment, therefore highlighting a positive future outlook for the company.
References Abeysinghe, T, dissertation on crm in retail. Wrong date.
CRM Excel Template 3.0
, time: 7:56Tesco Supermarket: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter's Five | Ivory Research

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