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What is Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool? We exist to help families homeschool. I also wrote it from the beginning to be able to be used by other families.
EP grade levels and individual courses include days of homeschool lessons and 123 easy essay. It uses only free materials found on the internet. This site holds preschool getting ready 1kindergarten getting ready 2and first through eighth. We have a separate high school site. Choosing a level on My EP will set reading, language arts, math, computer and logic, any of which can be switched to a more appropriate level without affecting the others.
Choosing a theme enables all of your children to study the same topic at the same time. The themes are based around the history courses of ancient history, 123 easy essay American history, geography and cultures, and modern history. Music and art are part of these themes and science is set to what would typically be studied at the same time. You choose the courses. Set it and forget it. Then your child just clicks on the lesson link for each course found on My EP and starts clicking through the assignments.
It will track what lesson they are on and their days. It does not save any other information. We do not track your students. and some minor supplies if you choose to do the experiments and art projects, but all of the reading materials, etc.
are all free and online. We do offer offline courses for math, reading, and language arts, which you can find in our store. There is a suggested donation for using My EP if you so choose. My hope is to enable families to continue homeschooling no matter their life circumstances. A sister site, All-in-One High Schoolholds the high school courses. You can read more about the curriculum on the About and How To pages. You can also see if your questions have been answered on the FAQ page, 123 easy essay.
Note: EP is not an online school. We are a homeschool resource. Your home is the school! You are the administrator. Thank you to everyone who has given donations to my family.
Your donations are what the Lord is using 123 easy essay provide for our family. I also wanted to say that there are three new books coming soon. I will hopefully have the links up by next week. Once I get all the work done to get these published, I will work on getting them on the site somewhere as well. The Good Morning lessons can be found here. The Trumpet and the Swan will be available in hardcover.
The King Will Make a Way is available in hardcover now! Updated: The books are out. Find them here. We hold three competitions throughout the year: science, 123 easy essay, history, writing. Homeschool students age 8 — 17 can participate alone or in groups. Winners get a certificate in the mail and an award check! In the fall, we run the science fair running now through 123 easy essay 15th. Students conduct experiments and produce a slide presentation showing their procedure, data, and conclusions.
In the winter, we run a history video competition. Students choose a topic, maybe a person or event, and teach others about what they learned through their research by making a video of them acting the part or by developing a documentary-style video.
Toad Hunting. Lilies on the Mississippi. My family has made up a bunch of t-shirts just for fun, for ourselves. My ten-year-old uploaded them to the print-on-demand site we use for EP and our family bought some for ourselves. Anyway, that inspired these new EP designs. Love God and everybody else.
I guess maybe something to be expected encouraging Jesus Month…Be praying 123 easy essay me and EP! Last week I posted Part 1 of No-Regret Homeschooling. After we make the decision to homeschool, insecurities start to creep in, 123 easy essay.
Yes, we love our children, but is that enough? I am already busy. Here comes our next step towards no-regret homeschooling. We need to make a decision on how to approach homeschooling. We need to choose with the confidence we built with our choice to homeschool in the first place. The fear decision would be to imitate what the schools do, 123 easy essay, the fear being that your child will get behind and not learn what the kids in school are learning.
This leads to desks in rows, thick overpriced textbooks, very expensive online schools, 123 easy essay, intensive all-day online programs, and other such stress-inducing options. The fear is that what you offer your child might be somehow less than what they would get in school. Then there is the self-doubt, looking at others and comparing them to yourself.
These other homeschoolers have their stuff together. Their kids are so accomplished. We have to deal with the underlying fear of the responsibility of educating your children. Educating your children 123 easy essay not separate from parenting them. We love them. We do our best to guide 123 easy essay. Love keeps no record of wrong doing. Love forgives. Love keeps its arms open. You love your child. You know your child best. You know your family.
Your decision as to how you will approach homeschooling will be as unique as your child and your family. I like to say that homeschooling is just an extension of parenting, 123 easy essay. You have been teaching your child their whole life. You taught them their first words, 123 easy essay.
You taught them what a tree was. You taught them how to use utensils. Why should it stop now? You were made for this.
Each family has its own unique culture. Each family is made up of different people, so each family interacts in different ways. There 123 easy essay some general categories such as those families who run their lives by schedule and enjoy each day being the same, and those who like adventure and flying by the seat of their pants.
Some families have movie nights, and some read aloud to each other. Some families are large and have lots of extended family nearby for lots of gatherings, and some are small and spend most of their time by themselves.
And that 123 easy essay in each of us as humans mixes with the mix in the other humans we live with, creating our family secret sauce that no one else has. Your parenting is unique. You may have things in common with them, but you have different families. You have different traditions, customs, not just big things like holidays, but the day-to-day traditions and customs, 123 easy essay.
Do you drag out of bed on the fourth snooze after 123 easy essay kids are already up 123 easy essay cerealed and watching TV? We all do things differently. My family sits down together for a homemade breakfast each morning, but lunchtime is a free-for-all-survival-style-every-man-for-himself experience.
To each his own. Our families are different. Our parenting is different.
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